TL;DR: My dog has bad teeth and needs surgery. I am living on the dregs of my savings (long story) and while things are starting to turn around, I can’t in good conscience put off necessary medical care for her any longer. Time for a gofundme.
I adopted Keely in late 2016. I had wanted to share my home with a dog for years, but always felt like I shouldn’t because I do not have a fenced in yard. I woke up one bright August day in 2016 and decided, fuck that, I can walk a dog every day!

It took two months to bring Keely home from that point as she was a new foster from a kill shelter and she had severe heartworms. She pulled through and has been living happily at my side ever since! And yes, I have walked her 2-3 times a day every single day, every single month, every single year! (With the exception of hurricanes.)
I knew she needed some vet care but I had hoped I would be making enough money by now to take care of that. After a year and a half, my book sales and coaching gigs are moving us in the right direction but things are precarious. I’m hustling to pay bills and staving off eviction as best I can.
But Keely can’t wait anymore. I will absolutely beg for help before allowing her to live in pain, so here I am, begging.
If the amount seems like a lot, please understand she’s a rescue dog with a complicated health history. I nearly lost her in 2019, and she is about fifteen years old, we think. The cost is for surgery, bloodwork, meds, overnight boarding for observation, and following check-ups.
Anything you can give will help! If you are unable to give, please use this link
to share it around.
Keely thanks you!