I’m back on my Dragon’s Grail bullshit! …which is to say, I’ve returned to rewriting it and I’m looking forward to sharing the first chapters by the start of May!
If you don’t know why I’m so excited about this, it is the story that I pulled off the shelves a few years ago to re-write completely. I had a stroke of insight and realized that the entire story just made so much more sense if the protagonist, Astra, is a middle-aged woman instead of an ingenue.
Long ago, I thought the story might make an excellent series of books for the “New Adult” audience, and I tried to write it with that in mind. Astra at the time was, I think, 24? And it was an okay story, but some of her decisions and reactions just did not “read” right for her age. I was a mature 24-year-old in my own time, so I don’t think it was entirely implausible, but I was struggling to write her in a way that I felt was relatable.
Now, she’s 45 years old, a mid-level bureaucrat, and done with everything. Just DONE. And gosh, y’all, I love her so much more now. I’m excited to get back to re-writing her stories in my vast universe for this series.
The “universe” of Dragon’s Grail is set in a classic “second world” setting I call “Under the Compass of Heaven.” It’s vast. It’s got eras. It’s got maps. I’m ALL HYPE Y’ALL!!!!